середа, 29 листопада 2017 р.

Final Exam. Task 2

The file MS Excel on a sheet "Database" to build a simple database with 50 records with fields.Format the field according to the type of data contained in these fields (text, date, number, money ...)
Number of order
Account number
Delivery Date
The numbers from 1 to 50
Several numbers from 84123 in increments of 7 to increasing
Make a choice from a list of providers:
1. Delicious products
2. Builder
3. Epicenter
4. Household goods
5. Gardener
Several dates from now to the past with step 8 days
Enter one of 10 available products:
1. Meat
2. Milk
3. Brick
4. Cement
5. Rake
6. Hose
7. Dishes
8. Kettle
9. humus
10. Fertilizers
Arbitrary numbers for each product
Several numbers from 227 in steps towards increasing 9
The formula of price (quantity multiplied by price)

Run the task of working with the database. The results obtained during the database to insert a new page file.
      1. To select vendor records "Gardener" with the product number is more than 400.
      2. To select entries supplies Dishes in the past two months.
      3. Sort database suppliers simultaneously, and then the goods.
      4. Find up the goods on the field "Quantity".
      5. Create summary table, placed in areas of the diagram fields:
a.        Page - "Delivery Date".
b.        Column - "Supplier".
c.        The line - "Goods".
d.        Data - "Number"
                  Output data providers from provider "Epicenter".
      6. Split database window between the cap and the table data (fixed area).